Being prepared is more vital than ever

Being prepared is more vital than ever


I started this company making gear for people to be properly prepared for their adventures and obviously we take safety and preparation seriously. We know in these recent days a lot of people have been heading out for an escape. And that is “ok” so long as you’re following current quarantine guidelines, local laws and regulations.

It would be irresponsible of us to encourage people to get outside during these crazy times and not provide a few key preparation reminders. The last thing we want people to do is get outside and get lost or hurt at a time when first responder resources can be better used in service to the higher risk age groups. So please BE PREPARED! And while you might have been eyeing up that peak all winter, now might be the time to do something a little mellower.


A couple of assumptions first:

A) You’ll be heading out solo, or in very small groups. Practice social distancing!

B) You won’t be heading into small towns or areas that are currently asking people to stay away. Small town resources have been overwhelmed.
Stick to your “backyard”.

C) Respect other people’s quarantine.

And specific to getting outdoors;

1) Leave a trip plan. Let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. Even if it’s just a short hike, injury is still possible. Please let someone know.

2) Even though the days are getting longer and warmer, the weather in a lot of areas can still be nasty, or change suddenly. Be prepared for adverse weather conditions. Don’t pack for what the weather is, pack for what it could be.

3) Bring some extra water, and food. Just in case.

4) If you happen to get lost. STAY where you are. Hopefully you have a whistle. If not, get one. Assuming you did Number 1, help will be on it’s way shortly. Just blow that whistle in 3 short blasts at regular intervals. A whistle can be heard at far greater distances than shouting, and doesn’t require nearly as much energy.

5) Make sure you have a first aid kit, signalling device, fire starter, extra clothes or an emergency blanket.

Our friends at BC AdventureSmart have some great planning resources:

Being outdoors can be a great way to find peace of mind in the uncertain times. Have fun out there, and be safe!

Todd and the VSSL Crew

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Todd's Pro tips for uncertain times
How To Make Your Own Mask

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