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VSSL Legends Series - Buck


Tell us how your VSSL aided your adventures. Each month this summer, we’re giving our favorite storyteller a free VSSL. A legend is a story. We absolutely love hearing the stories of how your VSSL rescued a day of surfing, like our first legend; Buck.

"I was headed out on a weekend surf trip, and tossed the First Aid Mini into my truck on Saturday - just to have on hand."

"The surf was super fun all weekend, but I took a fin gash to my foot on Sunday morning. As I jumped out of the water to clean my foot, bandage, and tape it up, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity to use my First Aid Mini. I have a trauma kit in my truck that includes a CAT tourniquet and a combat gauge, but this little Mini First Aid kit turned out to be perfect!"

"My foot was bleeding, but it cleaned up nicely. After I finished bandaging my foot, I was able to get back out and surf for another hour. The tape held in place! I went home to take the dogs for a walk with my wife, and then I dove into a workout later in the day. The tape held in place the entire time."

"Pretty sick little unit. High fives to the VSSL crew!" 

- Buck R. VSSL Fan

We want to hear your VSSL stories. Every adventure has a story.
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